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Do a maths degree because you really love the rules of integration

In Filmpjes,Quotes, door Ionica

In New Scientist staat een leuk interview met comedian Dara O'Briain. Hij blijkt vroeger mathematische fysica gestudeerd te hebben. Hier zie je Dara in actie bij QI.

A degree in mathematical physics is pretty hardcore. Why did you choose that course?

I was just a nerd - I was insanely in love with maths and theoretical physics when I was a teenager and wanted to learn more about it, although I think there was an element of teenage boy bravado in choosing what was clearly a ridiculously difficult degree. But I was good at it. When you're a dweeby 17-year-old, finding it difficult to talk to women, don't underestimate the appeal of having a world where you can think: "At least I'm good at this".

Do you think there's a science to being funny?

You advance in maths by comparing the properties of one thing with the properties of another and you notice similarities in behaviour. Comedy isn't dissimilar to that, in terms of when you write a joke you look at the properties of one thing and you say, "Isn't this a bit like this other thing?" Then you use those properties to make the first thing look ridiculous. But I'm not saying do a maths degree because it'll make you a better comedian. Do a maths degree because you really love the rules of integration.

Lees de rest van het interview voor Dara's tirades over homeopathie en Goji bessen.